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Why did I Decide to Become a Certified Personal Trainer?: My Journey to Mobility - and Beyond!

Updated: Mar 7

Abbi Rennes - Fluid Strength Studio

Well howdy. (Don't you just appreciate a Toy Story reference right in the beginning?) - It's the film degree for me.

My name is Abbi Rennes, and I am an ISSA Certified Personal Trailer, Exercise Recovery Therapist, Nutrition Coach, and a competitive pole athlete - at least for now. Currently I am working on Corrective Exercise, Exercise Therapy, Strength & Conditioning, USAPL State Judge (Powerlifting), as well as two accredited exams. I decided to write this post to expand on my About Me section of my website. If you haven't seen that, click on my home page and scroll down until you see it! I am also a professional videographer by trade, aka. my other "big girl job" and I guess you could say I'm pretty good at it!

A little bit about my fitness journey:

I've been "working out" for almost five years since the date of this post. I've been "training" for almost three years, and I've been good at it for maybe a year. There is still so much to learn and with a constantly expanding field of study that is early in the research stage, there is going to be so much more to be discovered. However there are some important things I've learned once I decided to embark on a competitive sport that made the "how" and "why" I train more important. So I will be explaining it further in this post.

First, let's get the speed dating questions out of the way - ha!

My favorite kind of cardio is DANCE CARDIO, duh! haha. Will I teach it someday? If someone wants me to! LOL

My favorite style of strength training is with the barbell. My second favorite, hmmm, that would have to be cable machines. SO MANY amazing things you can do with the cable machines to get an amazing workout.

Least Favorite Cardio? - Jacob's Ladder

Least Favorite Strength Exercise: Trap 3 Raises

Favorite exercise of all time? Oh lawd. Barbell Front Squat.

Low Barbell Front Squat
Barbell Front Squat

Least Favorite? World's Greatest Stretch - that one is for you Spencer (my own trainer)!

Favorite Anabolic Food? NuGo Mocha Chocolate Protein Bar

Favorite "Real" Food? Dark Chocolate

Macros: 50% Carbs 30% Protein 20% Fats

Favorite Kind of Training Type: Full Body or Split w/ Mobility

Least Favorite Kind of Training: I like them all but if I had to choose - 1 Rep Max Tests


Ideally I want to add training to my repertoire of awesome things I can do. I love my job as a videographer, and I wanted something I can do to add value to the things that I love as well as use my passion for the arts to better serve the community. With 10+ years of videography & content marketing experience, I think I could add a lot of value not only in helping clients better improve their overall health & wellness, but be able to make content that is engaging and valuable to the fitness community. So I am very excited to start my journey and see where it takes me.

Like I said in my about me section, my real journey to what I would call "actual training" started the moment I joined the competition team at my aerial dance studio. I knew to condition my body to be at an advanced level required skills and expertise out of my range at the time. I knew for 4 years how to exercise, get my heart rate up, etc., but I didn't know how to be an athlete. I wasn't really for most of my life, and I knew I had a long road. So I started immediately working with a strength & conditioning specialized personal trainer.

HOLY COW. Did my workouts get 10x harder, longer, and more effective. At that point I started analyzing my trainer's exercise selections and I asked WAY too many questions. I got fantastic results from that training before the gym unfortunately closed. But I guess it was the start of a new chapter for me, as the gym closure forced me to figure out how to train on my own - and I found a new trainer who looked at the way I worked out differently - and it changed everything for me.


The moment I started to train hard for hypertrophy and power, I began to notice some aches and pains in my shoulder and mid-back. At first I thought to myself, "It's just a part of being an athlete." Boy was I wrong.

As soon as the aches refused to go away, my back started to tingle. I knew something was horribly wrong and I needed to get seen by a physical therapist.

I heard about MVMT Performance and Rehab at my dance studio, and I knew they were out of network, took cash, and were affordable. So I bravely gave them a call and I got an evaluation. There I met Tia Jackson, licensed athletic trainer and she looked at me closely. At the end of my session, she proceeded to tell me that a combination of my pelvic floor not activating properly, along with my completely stiff thoracic spine, was preventing my shoulder's from it's proper range of motion so if I didn't address the issue that I could get severely injured doing the sport I love.

So I started working with her, and within a couple of months I immediately saw relief, and then I thought to myself, "Why not just work on the rest of my body?" So then with the collaboration of MVMT Performance and Rehab, along with my personal trainer Spencer at Western Racquet & Fitness Club, we proceed to start working on mobility in every joint and movement pattern. I've been training this way for almost 8 months and I am never going back!

Is it easy? No. It unfortunately isn't. I wish I could say that. But in reality trying to move better can be uncomfortable, it may involve you going into positions that feel stiff, it may involve challenging muscles differently, it involves training for a mind/muscle connection (there is a very nerdy explanation but this is simple), and it takes a lot of persistence and patience. To achieve flexibility is always harder than maintaining it, which is where I come around - to help you get results safely inch by inch over a period of time - and coach you on how to maintain it for the rest of your life.

With this style of training, my knees no longer ache after I dance, my shoulders stopped hurting when raised overhead, my core significantly got stronger, which allowed me to advance in my sport faster than expected. I am now able to do things I never thought I would ever do, like hold my entire body upside down, or do my first handspring. I am able to do a full range of motion front squat - so then I started trying Olympic Lifting, and I love it. From there I got connected into the powerlifting community, and then I really started to blossom. I knew that personal training was just going to be the natural step for me so I bit the bullet and started studying right away.

Am I terrified of failing myself and my clients? Absolutely. Does that make me very motivated and dedicated to being the best I can be? Yes it does. So I would much rather be scared and care, then not care and be overconfident. It's better for me AND for my clients.


I want everyone to feel empowered like I feel every day when I push my body to move a little bit better, lift a little bit more, and slow down and focus on technique. Because really it is all about quality over quantity. And for me I want every athlete (and anyone who works out is an athlete) I come across to know that I care about not just your training, but how you move.

I've worked with 4 different trainers in my life. I love having a personal trainer in my circle. Each one has their own unique strengths and things they specialize in. And every workout I've been put through was different. I am hoping to take all the good things I've seen from every trainer I've come across (over 40+) and use that to help me deliver quality care for my clients.

Every program I write is meticulously written to better improve your quality of life, and not just putting more weight on the bar. I make sure your foundation is there, your muscles are firing in the correct order at the right time, and you have the stability and confidence to go about your life and hobbies knowing what you are doing and why. That is why I am passionate about corrective exercise and therapy techniques to better improve people's quality of life.

Reality is, there is a whole person outside of their sport or leisure activities. They have passions, dreams, desires, beliefs, etc. that all need to be supported and addressed. So I like to "attack" a problem with a holistic approach. Not just looking at the way you move, but your eating patterns, get you connected to the right professionals that can help you with whatever you're struggling with (I can't recommend Tad, Registered Dietician at Western Racquet Enough), and teach you how to be self-sufficient and able to be independent for as long as you want to be. That is my goal.

If you feel like this kind of person is the right fit for you, then feel free to reach out to me and we can chat about anything your heart desires. If not, reach out to me about what you're looking for and I can get you connected to so many other amazing trainers and professionals out there. Including my own! There is a big wide world and there is plenty of room for all of us. I know when I'm the right fit and when I'm not, and I'm not afraid to say it or refer out. What matters to me is the person in front of me and their best interest. I don't do fitness to have any job, I do it because I love it and I care. If I don't know something, I study it. If I haven't tried an exercise I want to give a client - I do it many times before I give it. If someone has a question that I've never addressed before - I look for the answer. This sets me apart and I take pride in it.

I'm also not completely against ditching my program and taking care of your body with active recovery, stretch coaching, and self-myofascial release techniques if you come to me and you're too sore. That's what I specialize in. So come to be ready to workout, or not ready - it doesn't matter - I got you through all the phases of your journey.


What I am hoping to do is get more training on mobility techniques. Right now I am looking into assisted stretching certifications, barre training (ballet barre, not Pure Barre), stick mobility (as I like that modality and find it very effective), and TRX Suspension training as this modality has greatly shaped the way I train and what I value. I cannot wait to share what I learn with you all in content form once I am done with my first round of training.

I'm hoping to be more involved in the pre-habilitation and post-rehabilitation space sometime in the future, but for now, this is good!

I am trying to start small and just get connected into the community for now as I really REALLY love to make content and my current job - feel free to ask me about it. But while I am juggling many things like a full-time job, being an athlete, a mother, planning a wedding - staying small is the best route for me. So if there isn't a spot open in my schedule, then please join my email list and stay connected for when I open up more spots so you can get involved in everything I do when the time comes.

Stay Fabulous Friends. And never stop dancing.

Abbi Rennes - CPT

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