4 Points Film Project 2017: An Honest Reflection of My Work on "Joules"
One of the wonderful things about working with a fresh production company is the ability to see their unique vision without the influence...

3 Ways to Be Victorious When Under Pressure
Let's face it, working as a creative can be a daunting task! There are many occasions where I am busy working along and feel a little bit...

One Year Out...A Reflection
Well folks, a year has gone by since I was out of my undergrad and into the real world. For those who recently graduated or are moving...

Creativity is Messy, but Worth Everything in the World
Recently my creative life has had some major malfunctions. A lot of that having to do with not balancing my priorities and tasks...

I'm done being out of touch with myself. Are You?
Well folks, it’s February now, and there is a lot to do. (Go Figure) So what’s a young filmmaker to do this year? Hmmmm… Here’s the deal....

Supercharge Your Creativity By Simplicity
Sometimes in life it feels as if our career slows down. The amount of work we submit gets sparser, the, time we have to write lowers....

The 3 Major Things I Learned Making a Documentary So Far
So Where do I Begin? Making a documentary is hard. Not only is it hard, but it takes a lot of time. As a filmmaker who specialized in...